Bodies are weird! Genitals can be confusing! That's why the mods created this handy guide.

These descriptions are across-the-board, for all characters that will be played in the community. Anything different to what's written here would be either a disability or abnormality. Please think carefully before giving a character such an issue, as it will affect how they are seen and treated by others, and will likely give the character body image issues (at the very least). Note that this guide is for birth body/designation types only, and that we are aware that Trans people exist, and we embrace them wholeheartedly as a part of this universe.

Body: The largest body type generally belongs to Alpha males. Their bodies are designed for hard work and providing for their Mate. Males are generally 6'2" or taller, and have a muscular body type. Smaller, thin Alphas are often thought of as too weak to protect their Mate by other Alphas, though there are always willing partners that enjoy and embrace different body types from the standard.

Genitals: Alpha males have large penises. Average errect length for an Alpha male is somewhere beween 9 and 10 inches, with a circumference (girth) of 5.5 to 6 inches, though there are plenty that boast of larger. At the base of the penis is a soft knot of tissue that swells when the Alpha is about to orgasm, and "locks" their penis into their partner. The knot does not always swell (it is said that the knot's purpose is to increase the chance of pregnancy), but in bond-mates or when the partner is in heat, it is far more likely to happen. Knots usually take between 15 and 30 minutes to go down (and trying to remove the penis before it has gone down will hurt both the Alpha and his partner), though there have been reported cases of knots taking up to an hour to release, especially when the Alpha hasn't orgasmed in a while, or the first time having sex with a "perfect match" or new bond-mate. Alpha males can get Beta females, and all Omegas in heat pregnant.

Body: Alpha females' bodies are also designed for hard work, and there are any number of them that work in construction, truck driving, and things that in a non-A/B/O universe might be called "men's jobs". In general an Alpha female is 6' or taller and has a muscular build. This muscular build is often more lean muscle than males, but still can be quite large. Alpha females who do not fit the standard body type are seen as weaker, but not nearly as badly as an Alpha male would be.

Genitals: Alpha females have large, retractable penises. Average for an Alpha female is somewhere between 8 and 9 inches with a circumference (girth) of 5 to 5.5 inches. When not aroused, the penis is withdrawn into the body and appears quite like a large clitoris. Alpha females also have the soft knot to lock their penis inside their partner and the standard times apply to females as well as males. In addition to their retractable penis, they also have a vaginal opening. Internally, Alpha females have testes in place of ovaries, and if there is a uterus at all, it is non-functional. Alpha females cannot get pregnant, though the rare cases of it happening due to high levels of estrogen always end in miscarriage

Body: Betas are the mid-range between Alphas and Omegas in almost all ways. The average Beta male is 5'9" tall, and has an average build. There are Betas that are larger or smaller, but it is not seen as a hinderance to Betas at all. At most, they might be mistaken for an Alpha or Omega, though their scent would identify them as a Beta fairly quickly.

Genitals: Beta males have penises with no knot. The average errect length is 4.7 to 6.3 inches, and average cirumference (girth) is 4.7 inches. Beta males can get Beta females and Omega females who are in heat pregnant.

Body: Beta females make up the majority of the normal workforce. They are not limited by their designation to provide or be provided for as the other designations are. An average Beta female is 5'5" and their body type is thin or with a moderate amount of curves. Beta females can be larger or smaller, but they are generally not seen as too strong or too weak due to it.

Genitals: Beta females have a clitoris and a vagina. A healthy Beta will have ovaries and a uterus internally, and if they are functioning properly the Beta can get pregnant. Female Betas have a cycle that averages 28 days, and instead of heat their hormone fluctuations bring on menstruation. Fertility for a Beta female tends to be highest approximately 2 weeks before menstruation.

Body: OMega males are designed to care for the home, and for children. The average height for an Omega male is 5'10" and their body type is generally considred "willowy" or delicate. A larger Omega male can be seen as a negative, and many have found themselves to be written off as a suitable mate in the past. Many modern Omegas fight against the oppression they've faced, and demand to be seen as a fitting mate, no matter what their body shape.

Genitals: Male Omegas have small penises. Their average errect length is 3 to 4 inches, and the circumference (girth) averages 4 inches. Testicles do not fully decend, and stay settled partially inside the body. Males also have a cloaca, which is the combined intestinal and reproductive tract. From the outside, it appears to be a normal anal opening, but the internal is quite different from Alpha or Beta males. Internally, there is a subdivision between the rectal canal and the reproductive canal, and there is a valve in each that keeps them from both being open at the same time. The cloaca also produces slick, a thick, clear fluid that lubricates the canal and has antibiotic properties. The same fluid also is expelled from the Omega male's penis at orgasm. It contains no semen, and Omega males cannot get partners pregnant. Omega males can get pregnant by either sex of Alpha during heats, and the baby—often referred to as a pup—is birthed through the cloaca.

Body: Omega females are the smallest of all the designations. Their bodies are designed to care for the home and any pups. Average Omega females are 5'2" with delicately boned bodies (though, on the other end of the spectrum, some Omega females are earth goddess types in their body shape. Full hips, larger breasts, and a soft stomach. Both are desireable, and both are seen as a good potential mate). Taller or more muscular Omega females are often looked down upon, and are seen as trying to pretend to be something they are not. Like Omega males, the females in the modern age often fight for Omega rights and demand to be seen as fitting mates and viable workers in something that isn't nursing or childcare.

Genitals: Female Betas' genitals are identical in form and function to Beta females. The biggest difference between Beta and Omega females are that Omega females go into heat. During heat, the drive to mate is increased, as the body is actively trying to get pregnant. Omega females are only fertile during their heats and can get pregnant by Alpha males, Alpha females, and Beta males.
based on code by Lottiecakes and Tetris